Studie die de relatie tussen de oversterfte en de recente covid vaccinaties legt!


In conclusion, the official fear-mongering forecasts and the
allegedly confirmed high death toll in 2020 from Covid-19 in
high income countries [21,22] did not come true, neither in
Japan nor in Germany. Based on early investigations in 2020
and 2021, however, great damage was not to be expected
[23,24]. Therefore, it should be investigated to what extent the
about 5 to 10 percent highly significantly increased mortalities
in Germany and Japan in 2021 and 2022 might be due to the
pandemic counter measures, including the vaccinations with
their possibly underestimated immediate or protracted side
effects [25-27]. In a study from the Maltese Mater Dei Hospital,
the vaccination rate in the population was positively correlated
with the frequency of emergency admissions over time [27].
From this point of view, it seems possible that a high vaccination
rate has contributed to an increased all-cause mortality in some
countries. It is thus important to keep a close eye on national
secular mortality trends over the next few years and to examine
the possible causes of significant excess mortality [25,28-30]

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