Miskramen na vaccinatie, niet ‘door’ vaccinatie Hugo?


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I’ve seen babies whos mother took the jab while pregnant shake uncontrollable after being born. I also read that miscarriages are up 300% in jabbed women. The jab shit is poison.

I know of exactly one baby that’s been born alive after the mother received two covid 19 vaccines (forced by her job btw). She got the shots late in her pregnancy. The baby is now 3 weeks old and has a tumor. What about you?

Know of a miscarriage following second jab. Also, acquainted with many who have had cancers pop up. For some reason, nobody (the victims or their docs) wants to associate any of this with the vaccine. Just writing it off as “coincidence”.

When your client posts she is arranging her unborn babys funeral two weeks after the ‘you know what’ I’m heart broken for her.


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